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Green Drinks


Waste in Crisis?

The solution to our waste crisis is not just more recycling – it’s reducing the amount of waste we generate. We need to move from the single-use culture, our linear ‘throwaway’ economy, to a circular economy, means consuming less and reusing more.

Plastic waste is a symptom of a single-use culture. We need taxes that make a difference to the economics of a one-trip culture. Recycling alone does not tackle the waste crisis – it subtly allows us to feel better about being wasteful.

Kim Warren and Julia Roebuck will lead this session which will involve you the audience. Kim works on waste projects with HoTT and Enviro Kirklees; Julia has developed innovate textile recycling and "upcycling" schemes.

We have solutions - stuff can be designed better, to last longer or be easily re-used; we can repair machines and mend things and learn to become more self-sufficient. We can shop locally, frequent secondhand shops, and grow more food. But for many people none of this is easy at the moment.